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Welcome to Sergio Navega's Home Page |
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I also have an informal homepage with other personal informations
Hello, my name is Sergio Cruz Navega (snavega@intelliwise.com), I am director of Intelliwise Research and Training, a consulting company in Business Intelligence and Data Mining that also develops research in Artificial Intelligence and distributes a line of Digital Booklets.
I was born in February 1956 in São Paulo, Brazil, where I studied. I have a B.Sc. in Physics from Instituto de Física da USP (University of São Paulo), and am interested in science since childhood. But nothing amazes me more than the human mind and the possibility of devising intelligent software to work in our computers. That, obviously, explains my primary interests:
My definitive goal is to extract from these disciplines the most important insights in order to understand what is intelligence, and then how to implement functionally equivalent processes in computers and robots. A more detailed text about my interests can be found in my research statement, an eternally "under construction" document.
Some thoughts by respected thinkers that inspired me can be found in my Phrases Page. I have been quoted in an Interactive Week magazine's article.
But if you want to know more about the things I care, I suggest that you go to my page of Selected Newsgroup Messages, that carries some "heavy stuff" material. I frequently participate in discussions in comp.ai.philosophy, comp.ai and comp.ai.nat-lang Usenet newsgroups. I have some technical reports and publications available for download. I also participate in some local discussion groups, some messages can be read clicking here (all texts in Portuguese).
I am a participating member of several professional and scientific societies:
I am the author of this book (in portuguese) Pensamento Crítico e Argumentação Sólida
Pages in English___________________________________
Selected Newsgroup Messages
Book Review: The New Cognitive Neurosciences
My World's Famous Links Page (AI, Cognitive Science,
Neuroscience, etc)
Research Statement
Technical Reports
Materials of Seminars (mostly in Portuguese)
Pages in Portuguese________________________________
Conhecimento, Criatividade e Inteligência:
Uma Visão Cognitiva
Workshop Criatividade e Inovação
Por Que Meus Seminários São Intensos?
Alguns Artigos Disponíveis
DIC - Desenvolvimento Integrado de Competências
Curso em CD-ROM: "Como Argumentar Melhor"
Livro Pensamento Crítico e Argumentação Sólida
Seminários Sobre Inteligência
Artigo sobre Criatividade
Exemplos de Transparências (Seminários)
Consultoria em Data Mining/Business Intelligence
Workshop Inteligência de Máquina
Artigo sobre Seminários
Mensagens Grupo Ciência Cognitiva
A short timeline of some of my professional and scientific activities follow:
1976 | While still in college, Sergio founded the GAE, Grupo de Atividades Espaciais, a group devoted to do research in rocket science. The group attracted the attention of the CTA/IAE (Centro Técnico Aeroespacial / Instituto de Atividades Espaciais, now AEB-Agência Espacial Brasileira), a brazilian government agency in charge of research in space exploration. As a result of this interaction, Sergio won in November 1976, the first prize of the II RNCE, awarded for a computer program (Fortran in a B-6700 Burroughs computer) that calculated precise trajectories of rockets including variable atmospheric effects due to altitude. |
1980-1981 | Sergio was contracted by Rhodia Brasil (brazilian subsidiary of Rhone Poulenc, the large French chemical industry) to develop a microcomputer for process control for use in its Research Center (Paulinia/Sao Paulo). The project used the Motorola MC6800, an 8 bit microprocessor and had a "huge" amount of memory for the time (16 kbytes), a video terminal (64 chars/16 lines) and interface to a Seletric IBM typewriter, acting as a printer. All design of the project (including PCB design, circuit design, system specification and ROM monitor program development and application programs) was done by Sergio. |
1981-1987 | Sergio participated in several software companies (Brain Sistemas de Informatica, VideoSoft Informatica and others) where he lead the development team of several software projects. Sergio gave several lectures on Videotex systems during 85 and 87 for the 3i Company. In 1984, Sergio developed VXLAN, an innovative language to program sequences of animations in Videotex systems. That was also the time of the development of the Videotex project with Ogilvy & Mather, which used not only VXLAN but also other softwares developed by Sergio. |
1987 | Sergio founded SCN Informatica, a company specialized in creative systems software. The first product was GCOM, an innovative system for multiuser transaction processing that included a native programming language (GAL language), one of the first compilers of a Portuguese programming language. GAL is a high-level language, similar to Modula-2, with several extensions (B+tree database, screen design in code, concurrent control of multithreading, multiuser support, links with external mainframes, etc). |
1988 | During 5 days, Sergio participated at the CEBIT '88 fair, in Hanover, Germany, presenting his GCOM system to interested parties in east Europe. |
1989 | During six months, Sergio provided consulting services to TSE (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, High Electoral Court). The consulting was essential for the development of the system that was used to process the Presidential Elections of 1989. The GCOM system was used by TSE to acquire and total all the data from the TRE (regional state tribunals) and to display it in real time. The system was fundamental for the election process and performed with no problems. |
1992 | GCOM won the public competition of Teleceara (public telephone company of Ceara) for a Videotex Server. The system was installed with several gateways to other mainframe computers providing real-time access of information to anyone with a VDT terminal or a microcomputer. |
1993-1997 | Gazeta Mercantil started using GCOM for its Invest News service, a real time economic information system. In 1994, Reuters started to use GCOM as a link between Gazeta/other national sources of information and its link in New York, that distributed the information worldwide. Sergio developed the applications in the Reuters servers and participated as a consultant in Gazeta's system. |
1994-1997 | Sergio develops NewView, an innovative protocol able to code images and graphics using a clever compression scheme. NVCOMP was also developed, to compose images using the full visual resources of Windows environments. |
1997- | Starting this year, the main activity of Sergio is centered around Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, continuing a passion for intelligent computers that started in 1986. Shortly after, Intelliwise was founded and a plan started to sketch several software products to be implemented in the coming years. Using all the accumulated expertise and knowledge in the area, a line of seminars for corporations is developed. Intelliwise also specializes in Consulting for Data Mining and Business Intelligence. |
2002-2004 | This is the year where Sergio launched his line of Internet accessible seminars. Intelliwise Digital Seminars (in Portuguese) is a way to watch Sergio's growing list of high-level seminars, most of them based on a long-term course that he taught in 2000. You an see (and hear) a demonstration clicking here. |
2005- |
Other links:
Intelliwise Seminars (in English)
Intelliwise Seminars (in Portuguese)
Technical Reports and Publications
Article (in Portuguese) about the Seminars
Comments, suggestions, chitchat: snavega@attglobal.net